MoreResilient robustness is the careful attitude of the Kong Chou professional team towards construction. The secure cornerstone built on experiences over the years contributes to technologies that lead the industry. Kong Chou Construction has transformed itself into a leading magnate in construction from its original engineering business.
To be free of regret in the world, Kong Chou Construction only does business that is true to its heart, free of regret and fearless, unselfish and with no additional demands. It is particularly careful of details that are invisible to customers and is fully committed to its corporate mission of providing sustainable services.
Kong Chou Construction values the public demand for quality of life. With our professional technologies and a sincere heart, we move the public through constantly innovative construction projects in order to break through prior boundaries and feel the wonder in life.
More113年1月31日『國軍臺中總醫院新建醫療大樓計畫統包工程』舉行上樑典禮,圓滿成功! 本案規劃開發地上9層、地下1層之急重症暨住院醫療大樓,總樓地板面積34884平方公尺整體設計以提供全人醫療照護及綠建築智慧節能為基礎,著重於醫病互動關係舒適化、感控隔離動線明確化、建材機電設備節能化、醫勤管理功能智慧化等多項現代化醫療空間元素,並導入智慧醫療系統,建構現代化醫療之友善就醫環境。 今日典禮特邀國防部軍醫局醫計處林致源處長等貴賓出席參與,共同見證新建醫療大樓達成階段性目標,邁入新的里程碑 。