Founder of the Foundation, Mr. Chao-Kuo Chen, felt deeply that only education could improve the various types of capabilities of a person while serving as the Chairman of the parents association and that of the alumni association of Salu Elementary School; disadvantaged students, however, are usually ignored in this regard. Based on this belief, he began to emphasize the importance of education for students and the desire to take care of disadvantaged students began to thrive. The belief and desire were supported by the capable and willing in the locality.
Founder of the Foundation, Mr. Chao-Kuo Chen, insists that one has to keep in mind where he is from and learn to give and take. Indebted to those having helped him since he started his own business, at the 30th anniversary of Kong Chou Construction, the Taichung County Kong Chou Education Foundation was created to provide partial assistance to young students, demonstrating the enthusiasm and value of an entrepreneur for education. Give Back to the Locality Without Forgetting Where One’s From
The Foundation, in honor of the underlying purposes of public interest and incentives for younger generations, is devoted to caring for outstanding yet poor students and promoting local education and culture, providing disadvantaged students in the locality with a steady learning environment so that they can focus on their studies. In addition to scholarships, it also provides internship opportunities and subsidizes students’ after-school care expenses.
2023年5月6日港洲盃親子陶藝比賽,圓滿落幕! 港洲教育基金會為慶祝母親節,每年於臺中市沙鹿國小舉辦親子陶藝比賽,堪稱海線最大親子陶藝活動至今已邁入第22年,每年皆吸引上千名民眾參加。主辦單位「港洲教育基金會」多年來致力於推動藝文生活,落實美學培養,同時也希望透過捏陶活動來鼓勵全家扶老攜幼、阿公阿嬤一起參與同樂,促進親子關係與生活樂趣。 今年的比賽以「揚眉兔器」作為生肖花器的創作主題,希望參加的民眾能輕鬆的發揮靈感,一起體驗創作的樂趣。 這次活動除了邀請街頭藝人為現場帶來精彩表演外,還設置了捐血站,號召大家積極參與公益,為社會貢獻。另外也有設置陶藝市集,為民眾打造一個豐富的親子同樂平台。 港洲教育基金會秉持著「傳遞美學生活」的精神,期許捏陶活動成為全民的親子運動。為藝文發展、社會與環境做出更多貢獻。
2023年第22屆港洲盃親子捏陶藝暨公益捐血,即將在5/6盛大登場啦! 本次活動為生肖花器創作,以「揚眉兔器」為活動主題,讓大人及小孩都能盡情發揮創意,DIY出屬於你最獨一無二的創作品! 現場邀你一起挽起衣袖,熱血相挺、讓愛延續,成功捐血者,即贈全聯禮券及精美小禮喔! 準備好大顯身手了嗎?跟著我們一起來參加海線最大親子活動就對了! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ➡️活動時間:2023年5月6日(星期六) 陶藝比賽08:30-12:00、公益捐血09:00-16:00 ➡️活動內容: 捏陶比賽、捐血做公益、闖關遊戲、陶藝市集、茶席設置、義賣 ➡️活動地點:沙鹿國小 ➡️捏陶報名方式 Tel:04-2635-1903 陳先生 Fax:04-2635-8770、2662-4273 (即日起至5/2止) ➡️捏陶報名資格:臺中市幼兒組、國小組(不限單位學校)、阿公阿嬤組(60歲以上)