Kong Chou Construction was established in 1978; it is a historical Class A construction company in central Taiwan, specializing in civil engineering, building engineering, public projects, and turnkey projects, among others. Its professional quality and outstanding service are highly approved among customers. It has also been frequently honored as an outstanding construction company.
Permanent Trust, Life-long Service
Valuing “after-sales service”, Kong Chou tries its best, within its specialized field and setting, to provide detailed maintenance and explanations in honor of its demand for quality; each part of the process is carefully considered. Being thoughtful is not just something that is said. A contract signed makes you our customer forever. In order to keep each inch above the horizon meaningful, after-sales service as part of sustainable management has been our unchanged attitude.
Within the warranty period, large or small, we carefully handle each building and provide professional after-sales service that helps ensure sustainable management of the engineering blueprint of the building. As soon as a building is handed over, warranty service begins. Contact Us
We find the momentum for constant enhancement through professional mutual-support array and developing high focus. While we march forward, we devote ourselves to the real engineering field, regardless of private investment or government urban planning. We have passed the challenge posed by huge projects and have been praised for accomplishing them with a devotion to perfection.
Dear manufacturers and friends, if you have any information to provide Kong Chou Construction, you are welcome to contact us. Register Now
113年1月31日『國軍臺中總醫院新建醫療大樓計畫統包工程』舉行上樑典禮,圓滿成功! 本案規劃開發地上9層、地下1層之急重症暨住院醫療大樓,總樓地板面積34884平方公尺整體設計以提供全人醫療照護及綠建築智慧節能為基礎,著重於醫病互動關係舒適化、感控隔離動線明確化、建材機電設備節能化、醫勤管理功能智慧化等多項現代化醫療空間元素,並導入智慧醫療系統,建構現代化醫療之友善就醫環境。 今日典禮特邀國防部軍醫局醫計處林致源處長等貴賓出席參與,共同見證新建醫療大樓達成階段性目標,邁入新的里程碑 。
112年5月19日「湖口營區新建統包工程第一標」舉行開工動土典禮,圓滿成功! 李旅長表示,584旅自民國37年成軍以來,因任務多次移防,未來新建營舍落成後,584旅終於能夠擁有自己的「家」,令他倍感欣慰。 本次典禮邀請地方仕紳、工程團隊及官兵代表一同上香祝禱,透過祥獅獻瑞、金鏟動土等儀式,祝禱工程順利圓滿完工。
112年3月24日「淡海安居」社會住宅舉行開工動土典禮,圓滿成功! 「淡海安居」是新北淡水首案社會住宅,座落於淡水新市鎮,步行至淡海輕軌車站僅需5分鐘時間,同時臨近淡江大橋,未來通車更方便往來八里與淡水,鄰近有國小(興建中)、大學以及公23公園,生活機能良好。 淡水安居為地上14層、地下2層的4棟建築物,共計規畫1140戶社會住宅,房型上有套房型、二房型及三房型,滿足各類居住需求,同時也規畫日照中心與幼兒園。 祈望工程興建時期,人員平安、如期完工。
Kong Chou Construction Spring Gathering Banquet on February 25, 2023
111年6月29日『國軍臺中總醫院新建醫療大樓計畫統包工程』舉行開工動土典禮,圓滿成功! 本工程新建醫療大樓配置心血管醫學、預防醫學、癌症治療照護、急重症醫學等四大中心,並導入先進設備手術室,完善「急診、檢查、治療、住院」一體到位的全方位醫療服務,充分體現該院「同理、團隊、專業、創新」的核心價值。 祈望工程興建時期,人員平安、如期完工。
ADD:12F., No. 68, Gongyequ 1st Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
ADD:12F., No. 68, Gongyequ 1st Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.)